On Wednesday 25th Feb 2009, A Current Affair covered the Asphalt Plant in Baldivis and the problems that surround it.
The plant, which even though it has already been built and has operated, only received planning approval from the WA Planning Commission last week.
Prominent Environmental and Toxicological expert, Dr Peter Dingle, commented that “the concerns I have, so once we’ve got those concerns about trusting companies and trusting Governments out of the way, the next issue is: Is the Plant Toxic ? and the answer is, Yes it is !” Following on from that, Dr Dingle described some of the possible toxic concerns as “and it’s going to be producing dozens of carcinogens, chemicals that cause cancer, no doubt about that”.
The Department of Environment and Conservation have apparently committed to monitoring the plants emission during operation. If history is any guide to what this monitoring will consist of, it may be something like sniffing the air from an upwind position.
The Baldivis plant will operate for the next ten months or so, which is a travesty for the local residents. The proposed plant for Maddington is permanent.
why do these companies choose to build these health risk plant's next to residential area's when there is loads of disused land available in non residential area's which are just as suitable.........very strange.